a monthly membership with earth wisdom and wild soul guidance

If you’re someone who feels lighter after spending time outdoors and believes that there is a transformative magic surging through everything in the more-than-human world, then you probably also know how important it is to nurture regular connection and wild exploration.

We don’t need to convince you of the benefits - you know why you want to prioritise it, so we won’t bang on about root systems and how trees communicate and why we’re all part of this wider ecosystem (well, not too much anyway).

But if you know all this, then you also know that it’s not that simple…

“Let’s ditch tools, quit our jobs, and spend our lives wandering the hills with just the mushrooms and trees for company!”

(maybe for one or two… but for most of us, not a chance)

But while the dreamy visions might seem ridiculously far from reality, the meaning behind them is not as distant as you might believe.

We know you feel a tender kernel of longing for this different, wilder way of being. That if you dug your hands into the crumbled earth, you would feel the seeds planted long ago, waiting, frozen, impatient to be rediscovered and nurtured once again.

Because you feel the wild within.

You know it’s there, even though at times you might have denied this belief, or convinced yourself that it’s silly, unimportant, unnecessary.

But here’s what you might not know…

Even if you are certain that all these things are true, it’s not easy to prioritise this process of rewilding the self.

Because the world isn’t set up to support this way of being, and we can’t simply block out the blinding glare of the capitalist, patriarchal, machine-driven society in which we live (however much we might try).

Choosing to rewild might feel like a small and personal decision that won’t really impact anyone else, but it’s actually a revolutionary act.

Embracing a phase of feral transformation and unearthing the wild within means you are part of a fractal system, a flowing stream attached to brooks, rivers, and the wide expanse of the ocean. You are held within a movement, a growing ecosystem of those seeking change.

In the process of discovering your untamed soul and spirit, you ignite hope and possibility for an alternative life in those around you.

You become the change.


You can discover…

A permission slip to rest.

Even if you don’t think you are impacted by the moon, even if you aren’t certain you believe in the power of lunar energy, connecting with this monthly cycle will offer you permission to experience the four phases we all need in our lives.

How to feel at home in every season (of the year & your life).

Yes, even (and especially) those you find hard to navigate at the moment, the ones that feel like you’re treading through sludge. Using seasonal energies and correspondences, we’ll guide you to define and understand your unique relationship with different seasons and phases, so that you can live your life with more ease and joy.

The fragmented, beautiful parts of your whole, wild self.

Because we’re so often taught to seek ‘wholeness’ when in reality we’re all formed of different selves and parts. Discover which self you feel most connected to, which is clawing for your attention, and which you maybe need to listen to right now.


Sounds great, right? But the path to this wilder way of being is full of brambles and briar.


Here are five things that might be holding you back…


We get it. Life is full of work, caring responsibilities, making dinner, finding lost lists, trying to ignore the news, and so much more. How can you possibly add another thing to your plate? But what if in carving out some space for yourself, you were able to welcome each day with more ease and joy? What if, in acknowledging and connecting with your wild self, you were able to do more in less time, and as a result find pockets of rest as part of your to-do list?

Taking a cyclical rather than linear approach is the key to unlocking the elusive time and space you desire, building an awareness of the whole range of cycles, from the smallest - each inhale and exhale of your breath - to the more expansive seasonal phases of our life’s overall journey.


Ten steps to this. Five easy ways to achieve that. 30 days to change your life. And so on. It’s no wonder we feel so tired when faced with another ‘simple’ solution that promises the world.

We don’t have ten easy steps. We can’t promise a transformation in a month. Here’s the thing: we have no idea what your life will look and feel like after you commit to this new way of being, because each of our journeys will look different. Instead of asking you to look externally for guidance, our encouragement will be to go within. To connect more deeply with your unique wild essence, and to clear your own pathway. There is nothing new here: instead, it is a long-awaited return.


Why do you get to spend time on yourself, when so many others need your attention and support? You’re here, existing, soldiering on, and things are… well, they’re fine. You don’t need to do this, right? But within there’s a lingering and tentative reminder that something is missing, that you have the capacity for so much more. It bubbles up occasionally when you watch a beautiful sunset or feel the first autumn chill on your face, whispering of what could be. You could spend your whole life ignoring this, of course… or you could hear its call and act, becoming the change you want to see in the world.


We’re not about to sit here and tell you that you never need to work hard or have busy days ever again, but what we do want to share is that when you take an intuitive step away from the constant motion of the hamster wheel, this no longer needs to be the norm. We are not built to exist in the perpetual energy of high summer, and a better pathway to our true selves is to embrace all of our fragmented parts, rather than ignore and diminish the parts of ourselves dismissed by society.


What we forget is that other people’s opinions usually say more about them than it does about us. If they don’t subscribe to this intuitive and individual way of being, that’s ok. Maybe one day they will, maybe they won’t. But if we are able to tune out from these alternative views, we have so much more space to focus on our own journey, deepening your connection with your intrinsic wild self, and in turn inspiring others to follow their own pathways too.

Are you ready to take your first step? Introducing…

An online course and community that combines earth-based practices and wild soul guidance so you can rewild your life and return to your roots.


We’ve taken everything we’ve learned from over 10 years of living in alignment with the earth…

holding shared experiences (living in a tent for a year, studying the concept of the ‘wild feminine’, Wheel of the Year celebrations) and our individual achievements - Maddy is a trained coach and earth-based celebrant, Eleanor is a qualified teacher and is studying to be an archaeologist - and we’ve woven all this together with threads of mythology, folklore, nature writing, scientific research, and ecological thinking, to create The Grove.

Your investment

£35 / month (cancel at any time)
£350 / year (get 2 months free!)

Here’s everything you get as a member…


When you join you get access to

    Over the year we’ll hold space for twelve moon circles, mapping a lunar path by exploring the significance behind the name of each full moon, primarily based on those used within Celtic and Anglo-Saxon traditions. In these sessions we’ll add another layer of meaning to our understanding of the changing ‘seasons of the sky’ and our personal relationship with the more-than-human world.

    Together we’ll celebrate the eight festivals on the Rewilding Wheel - the Winter Solstice, Imbolc, the Spring Equinox, Beltane, the Summer Solstice, Lammas, the Autumn Equinox and Samhain. Feel nourished and held in sacred community space as we re-root these marker points of the ancient British Isles into our modern lives.


    Join us each season for a brand-new workshop! These will bring a completely different approach to living wildly.

    As well as the live sessions, you’ll also have access to our Wild Essence course, which journeys through the year exploring archetypal nature-led wisdom. There are eight videos in total: four are designed to help you unearth seasonal archetypes and consider your personal relationship with these wild identities (the sage, the maiden, the mother and the mystic); four offer a guide to the incoming season using our Rewilding Wheel framework as a map. You’ll explore the correspondences of the season including the element (earth, air, fire, water), direction, energy (soul/spirit) and guiding words. The course is self-led, available for you to work through across the year.


    New this year! Each month we’ll be in your ears with a new conversation to ground you in the upcoming cyclical energy, and inspire you to live more wildly.

    In the library you’ll find in-depth guides for each of the seasons, as well as an introduction to our nature-led framework, The Wild Academy Rewilding Wheel. You’ll also be introduced to cycle tracking (solar, lunar, menstrual [if applicable] and seasonal cycles), with printable templates to deepen your self-awareness. Alongside this you’ll have access to rituals, journal prompts and meditations to support you on this journey. New resources will be added each month.

    A meta-free online community space to share ideas, inspiration, ask questions and feel rooted in a collective of other wildhearted women and non-binary folk. You’ll also receive 50% off all seasonal schools that we run, as well as other discounts on life-focused programmes and products.


Why The Grove?

The sacred grove is an ancient concept, a wooded clearing that offers a feeling of safety, peace and reverence; a quiet place to hold rituals and meaningful gatherings.

It’s an idea that’s deeply rooted in Celtic mythology and practice, but also an important part of many other nature-inspired cultures and spiritualities. In Druidic terms, the sacred grove is known as a nemeton: a Gaulish word meaning ‘sanctuary’, and we can also link this to nemos / nemus (‘grove’ or ‘woodland glade’) and ‘nemophilist’ (a lover of the forest).

‘Grove’ can refer not only to a sacred group of trees, but also to a gathering of people. For us it is both: The Grove is our virtual woodland clearing; a gathering place where we can be in community with the trees and with each other. We’d love to welcome you.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enrol…

Live sessions

Offerings include our Lunar Circles, Soulful Seasons ceremonies and seasonal workshops.

Wild Essence course

Journey through the nature-led archetypal year using our Rewilding Wheel as your guide.

The Library

Videos, audio and printable resources including rituals, + meditations to guide you through each season of the year.

Community + email letters

A sacred space to share insights and ask questions on your journey, as well as seasonal letters + weekly cyclical updates.


  • Both! The Wild Essence course is designed to be taken across a 12-month period, but it’s all there for you to explore at any time you wish. Alongside this there are seasonal workshops and ceremonies, as well as an online group space for you to connect in community with fellow members!

  • Most live sessions will take place on a Tuesday evening, from 6.30 - 8pm (UK time). Replays will be available if you are unable to attend live.

  • The Grove is an ongoing support system to help you live more wildly, with a mixture of self-led rewilding tools and larger group sessions. Untamed is a deep-dive immersion into your wild self, exploring who you are through nature-led archetypal lenses in a small group format. All students of Untamed also receive 12 months of free support in The Grove.

  • Don’t worry - we’re busy too! That’s why we choose to work in terms - each season contains two ‘half-terms’ with space before, in between, and after, to allow for intentional exploration of the material alongside the live sessions. And there’s no ‘behind’ - we will always encourage you to move at your own pace.

  • Only you know your circumstances. If you’d love to sign up but aren’t sure about the commitment, opt for the monthly payments which you can cancel at any time.

We hope to see you soon in The Grove!

With love,

Maddy + Eleanor