Untamed, transformative learning for wild souls

Integrating self exploration, nature connection and rewilding frameworks to help you unearth the wild woman within.


Awaken your Wild

Get our free guide and discover how to remember, reclaim and unearth the wild woman within!

We know you feel a tender kernel of longing for this different, wilder way of being. That if you dug your hands into the crumbled earth, you would feel the seeds planted long ago, waiting, frozen, impatient to be rediscovered and nurtured once again. Because you feel the wild woman within.

You know, intuitively, that your pathway calls you to a deeper nature connection, a spiralling way of being that invites you to look up to the skies, and roots you into the soil.

We walk this pilgrimage alongside you as wild soul guides. Our path is one of remembrance; an invitation to rewild, realign and reconnect.

Wound tightly in tangling roots and ecosystems, your wild self is waiting. Are you ready to heed its call?

Who are your wild soul guides?

With almost twenty years’ combined knowledge and experience when it comes to nature connection and self exploration, we - Maddy and Eleanor - know what it’s like to feel like you don’t quite fit into the mould of societal expectations.

After the experience of living in a tent (separately!) and a love of pancakes bonded our friendship, we realised we could offer the world so much more as a duo, and founded The Wild Academy in 2019 as a platform for untamed, transformative learning. We now spend our days working with those who identify as women and non-binary folk, using our Rewilding Wheel to support a reclamation of the wild woman within.

Let’s work together!



“indescribable. I felt so privileged to have Maddy and Eleanor as my guides… the richness and diversity of the content made it truly special. Seeing the world through Maddy and Eleanor’s eyes, I was able to make sense of parts of myself that had mystified me for decades..”

— R.B.

“an anchor to myself”

“[it was an] anchor to myself, a place in which I could learn and witness the truth that I had only ever heard whispers of…. I stopped searching for me, and instead began to recognise my own self, the raw unfiltered version that has been waiting to be seen.”

— K.B.

“a holistic communion”

“being in this close kinship is transformative. I feel it as a holistic communion softening the senses to remember on so many levels, to listen to and see, to sense and feel, to speak and sing the interrelated connection of love as we weave the deep knowing of the wild world”

— F.B.


Wildheart podcast

40+ episodes where we chat about all things wild and soulful

Free guide

Awaken your inner wild woman with this free three-part guide

Free workshop

Join us and begin to remember and unearth your wild soul self